Ever since I was in the womb, I was introduced to Spiritism. My mother and Father would attend lectures before I was born and while I was in the womb. Every Sunday, my mom and dad would read the Gospel at home and discuss it for an half an hour and I would be right there with them listening to everything. Once I was born here in the U.S. in 1995, we continued to go to the Center and my parents always brought me along with them to every lecture, study, and event. Twenty four years later, I am still learning and incorporating Spiritism into my life. I can say that Spiritism has helped me understand how Jesus lived back in the day, it has helped me learn more about the after life, it has helped me learn how to properly pray, and it has helped me get closer to God as well. I am very thankful I was born into this beautiful environment. I don’t know if I would be who I am today if I didn’t have Spiritism in my life.