
Q. What’s the point of rebirth if you will make the same mistakes you did with the previous life? 1098

Q. If I am one in a spiritual ‘family’ and I will be reincarnated to resolve past issues with others in my spiritual family, isn’t it unlikely that I would be reborn into a family on the other side of the earth where it would again be unlikely that I would have any contact with the others in my spirit family? 1100

Q. What is the amount of time that I will need to wait before being reincarnated? How might this be determined? 1110

Q. If the world’s population is constantly growing, where do the souls come from to inhabit the new bodies? 1112

Q. Is a spirit forced to reincarnate or can he decide to not to? 1114

Q. Is Regression Therapy related directly to reincarnations? 1116

Q. If we have lived before, how is it that we do not remember our former lives? 1118

Q. Why is a person reincarnated into a certain body? Is there any principle to decide? 1120

Is the time between death and reincarnation shorter after the death of a child than for an adult? 1122